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Rarely (except in photos) do we stop what we're doing, pause, line up, smile and wait for the sound of a metallic click before we re-direct our attention to what we were doing before someone yelled "SAY CHEESE"!  


Posed photography isn't all bad...(we have some too)... but if you look for us, you'll generally find us on the side, instead of in the front....looking for those un-posed moments that maybe provide a more realistic memory of a moment in time. We look for kids riding a bike, kicking or catching a ball, swinging a bat,  playing with a pet, jumping or running.... anything instead of blindly staring and grinning wildly in front of an artificial backdrop.  


We look for motorcycles, 4 wheelers and dirt flying. We look for movement, motion, action, anything that's not standing still...and literally try to grab that split-second instant, which when viewed 20 years from now, will snap you back to that moment like it just happened. We want these images to speak 10,000 words, not just a mere 1,000. 


Please stay awhile...and we hope you enjoy!


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